Monday, August 31, 2009

The Senate Committee on Healthcare-Set up to Fail?

Was the Senate Finance Group on Healthcare--
Everyone is waiting for the healthcare plan to emerge from the Senate Finance Committee.

One has to wonder if the Senate Finance Committee on healthcare was deliberately set up to fail. Three republican senators, Charles Grassley from Iowa, Michael Enzi from Wyoming, Olympia Snow from Maine and three democratic senators, Max Baucus from Montana, Jeff Bingaman from New Mexico, Kent Conrad from North Dakota compose the committee.

If you take a good look at the members you immediately notice that they all come from conservative rural states with small populations. All these states together don’t represent 10% of the population of the US. None of these states have large urban centers. This committee appears better suited to discuss farm, logging or water supply issues than healthcare.

What kind of a healthcare program that can be helpful to all the people of the US can we expect from the narrow selection of areas and viewpoints represented on this committee?

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