Friday, June 26, 2009



The nomination of a new Supreme Court Justice is a good time to have a look at the Court. To see what its approach to the role of the Supreme Court has been and the direction the Court decisions seems to be taking.

At present the majority of the Court has a very conservative outlook. The Justice retiring is a member of the minority. Therefore it will be interesting to see if and how the new member of the Court will effect its thinking and direction.

Since 1968 there have only three democratic Presidents, Carter-4 yrs., Clinton—8 yrs., Obrama—1 yr. The other 29 years have. been Republican. Republicans generally nominate conservatives to the court. At the present time the conservatives—Chief Justice Roberts, Justices Scalia, Thomas, Alito, and Kennedy. Kennedy is a swing vote he is usually conservative but on civil liberties he has voted with the minority. The minority group is Stevens, Bryer, Ginsberg and Souter, the Justice who is leaving the Court.

The election of Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito to the Court means the end of an era where many thought that the Court would be a protector of our rights and civil liberties. These people thought the Court would be a force for “equality” as promised by the constitution. Equality in respect to color, gender, race, religion, minorities, etc. Secondly the Court would be a force for expanding the constitutional rights of individuals .including criminal suspects, against the power of the state.

Chief Justice Roberts believes that the Court should not legislate from the bench and should exercise ‘judicial restraint’. Judicial restraint means the Court should be very careful not to overrule legislatative and executive decisions, or decisions reached in the free marketplace. One of the main methods of doing this is called “standing”. Next blog more on “standing”

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is poor police effort permitting gang violence?

Get the Facts behind the news

The newspaper headline read “Violent Crime on The Rise”. The homicide rate is going up and gun violence is spiking,” says Ron Ruecker, head of the International Assoc. of Chiefs of Police. The increase is primarily occurring in large cities such as Atlanta, Miami, Cleveland, New Orleans, and Baltimore. What are some cities doing right? Chuck Wexler head of the Police Executive Research Forum says that cities that are able to quickly deploy officers to hot spots can cut back on crime. Preventative efforts and community involvement are also key”.

As one of our senior newscasters would say, “and now the rest of the story”. A recent article in the Chicago Tribune, by Anthony D. Box, may give us some clues. Anthony served 9 years with the FBI. He has a bullet in his liver from wrestling with a thug when he was 16.

He says the most distressing aspect of the rise in violence is the usual bromide by public officials that the POLICE SHOULD DO MORE. Anthony believes these public officials are “looking thru the wrong end of the telescope”. He also believes that handgun bans are not effective.

Anthony says the real challenge is to improve the BROKEN HOMES, BROKEN SCHOOLS. and ECONOMIC DESPAIR that exists in high crime neighborhoods.

Anthony agrees with Neil Basanko, executive director of the South Chicago Chamber of Commerce, “that it all begins with family”. He quotes Pres-elect Obrama, its time people accept responsibility for themselves, their family, and their community. Its time> to challenge men to quit behaving like boys.

Problems with the police forces another blog.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Is poor police effort permitting gang violence?

Get the Facts behind the news

The newspaper headline read “Violent Crime on The Rise”. The homicide rate is going up and gun violence is spiking,” says Ron Ruecker, head of the International Assoc. of Chiefs of Police. The increase is primarily occurring in large cities such as Atlanta, Miami, Cleveland, New Orleans, and Baltimore. What are some cities doing right? Chuck Wexler head of the Police Executive Research Forum says that cities that are able to quickly deploy officers to hot spots can cut back on crime. Preventative efforts and community involvement are also key”.

As one of our senior newscasters would say, “and now the rest of the story”. A recent article in the Chicago Tribune, by Anthony D. Box, may give us some clues. Anthony served 9 years with the FBI. He has a bullet in his liver from wrestling with a thug when he was 16.

He says the most distressing aspect of the rise in violence is the usual bromide by public officials that the POLICE SHOULD DO MORE. Anthony believes these public officials are “looking thru the wrong end of the telescope”. He also believes that handgun bans are not effective.

Anthony says the real challenge is to improve the BROKEN HOMES, BROKEN SCHOOLS. and ECONOMIC DESPAIR that exists in high crime neighborhoods.

Anthony agrees with Neil Basanko, executive director of the South Chicago Chamber of Commerce, “that it all begins with family”. He quotes Pres-elect Obrama, its time people accept responsibility for themselves, their family, and their community. Its time to challenge men to quit behaving like boys.

Problems with the police forces another post.

Monday, June 8, 2009


GET THE FACTS BEHIND THE NEWS. Ex-Pres George Bush. Chief Justice Roberts, and many congressional republican leaders are always talking against Judicial activism(legislating from the bench).

Maybe they should look in the mirror. If they do they will see much greater activism from the Congress and the Executive branches than the Judicial. They are legislating in areas usually considered outside the political realm. Politics, business, and economics are different fields. Congress and the executive are entering and making decisions in business and economic areas that they are not qualified for. CROSS YOUR FINGERS. Suggestion--perhaps placing the “peoples” organizations in some form of independent authority would be best.

Let’s see a few examples.

Should the executive be owning and financing large co’s,ie General Moters, AIG Insurance etc? Does the gov’t have the expertise to do this or if the gov’t only lends money than the same people who managed to get these companies into their present troubles are left to get them out of their troubles.

Should the Congress be deciding how many and which auto dealers should be kept? Does this mean that Congress will also decide what manufacturing facilities are kept and where new ones are built. The basis of their decisions resting on political clout similar to closing military bases? If so the outlook for the “people’s business” is very dim. We can end up like the “old communists” situation, where large organizations with many workers are managed politically so they are economically inefficient and can not compete in the marketplace. These inefficient large organizations will require constant capital which will be given to them and justified due to the large number of workers employed.

Speaking of closing military bases, why not have a military establishment suited to present military conditions. Most of the Indians are no longer physically on the war path. Obsolete bases should be closed and cold war weaponry discontinued. Good luck to Secretary Gates.

Lastly abortions should be left to Doctors and patients not to gov’t legislative bodies. Perhaps Supreme Court designate Ms. Sotomayor is right. More later.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


GET THE FACTS BEHIND THE NEWS. Dick Cheney is constantly in the news defending Bush Administration policies. He is vigorously defending the use of the Guantanamo Bay prison and the use of harsh, some call it torture, interrogations. He has stated that these interrogations have resulted in obtaining vital information that “has saved thousands of lives”.

What is Dick Cheney’s history? After various gov’t jobs Dick Cheney was elected from the state of Wyoming to the US House of Representatives in 1977. H served five terms till he was appointed Secretary of Defense in 1989. What was Dick Cheney’s record in the US House of Representatives?

Education—He always opposed funding for Head Start. He voted against creating the Dept of Education.

Civil Liberties—He opposed a resolution calling for the release of Nelson Mandela in South Africa.. He maintained that Mandela’s group was a terrorist organization and that Mandela was a terrorist, perhaps a peek into the future.

Women—He voted against the Equal Rights Amendment for woman. He opposed federal funding for abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest.

Guns—He opposed gun control limits. In 1985 he was one of 21 members of Congress to vote against a ban on armor piercing bullets. In 1988 he was one of three reps to vote against plastic guns that could slip thru airport security. In 1988 he voted to scrap a proposed 7 day waiting period on handgun purchses.

Environment—Cheney opposed refunding the Clean Water Act. He voted to postpone sanctions on air polluters that failed to meet pollution standards. He voted against legislation to require oil, chemical, and other industries from making public records of emission known to cause cancer, birth defects and other diseases.

Military—Dick Cheney consistently voted to raise military spending. He supported the Nicaraguan rebels even after the moratorium on funding.

Budget—Dick Cheney supported legislation to balance the national budget.

Social Services—He voted against funding for Meals on Wheels for Seniors.

To come -- a business career and VP years