Monday, October 27, 2008

When you vote


Rep. Deborah Price, a republican from Ohio, was elected to the US House of Representatives four times. She is not running in 08. She said she has family obligations and finds it not as interesting as a member of the minority.

Her comments on politics were very interesting. She has little hope of a shift in campaign tactics unless there is a public backlash. The last campaign convinced her that negative ads work.

“I don’t think anything will change until Americans revolt and get it into their heads they need to be informed voters instead of just listening to the paid political ads.”

We hope our blog will help you to be a more informed voter.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

When you vote


Rep. Deborah Price, a republican from Ohio, was elected to the US House of Representatives four times. She is not running in 08. She said she has family obligations and finds it not as interesting as a member of the minority.

Her comments on politics were very interesting. She has little hope of a shift in campaign tactics unless there is a public backlash. The last campaign convinced her that negative ads work.

“I don’t think anything will change until Americans revolt and get it into their heads they need to be informed voters instead of just listening to the paid political ads.”

We hope our blog will help you to be a more informed voter.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Painless Recession

How to make a
The Congress and the Executive branch of the Federal gov’t have embarked on a new mission. How to make a recession painless. The federal gov’t has agreed to spend $300 plus billion on bailouts of various companies plus $750 billion to ease banking liquidity. This does not include $160 billion economic stimulus payment with talk of another stimulus program probably as much or more. These expenditures are in addition to $417 BILLION bugdet deficit. These types of efforts may help keep the the economy at maintenance levels but by themselves will not cause an expansion.

I believe the stated purpose of these moves was to increase financial liquidity so that large banks could lend to small banks, and small banks could lend to main street. However what is happening is that the large banks are sitting on the public money to protect against their own losses or if financially well off they are looking to acquire troubled banks or their assets at bargain prices. Thus at least delaying getting money to main street. Perhaps another example that the “trickle down” republican theory does not work well. Or perhaps main street help was used to sell the public, but the real reason was to help the big banks. This would not be out of keeping with previous Bush administration moves.

Our next message will discuss whether the gov’t can make a recession painless and if it can should it?

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Act lists new Federal crimes

The Act also lists several new federal crimes. Two of the more important ones are “domestic terrorism” and “material support”.

“Domestic terrorism” extends beyond acts of violence to include any “ acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws- - - if such acts - -appears to be intended- - to influence the policy of a gov’t by intimidation or coercion” and are conducted primarily within the” U. S. (Room for protest or disagreement?)(Martin Luther King protests for instance.)

Lending material support, “to any terrorist organization designated as such by federal officials, who have complete discretion in deciding which groups have “terrorist” aims. “Material support” is broadly defined to include any, ”physical asset,” “personnel”, “training” or “expert advice or assistance.” This provision does not require proof that a person charged with this crime intended to further any terrorist activities.

Friday, October 10, 2008

try for peace not war

Why aren’t Bush and McCain

trying harder to STOP THE WAR?

One of the reasons is the Bush-McCain policy of not talking to countries or groups that they consider enemies or terrorists. The Bush-McCain policy is to only talk to countries after they have agreed to Bush-McCain demands. This position rules out any negotiations. The other party has to surrender before Bush-McCain will talk to them. RESULT STALEMATE. No progress toward peace. The purpose of negotiations is to bridge differences or workout an arrangement suitable for both sides.

Thus is in stark contrast to previous republican administration efforts. In the 1991Iraq War Secretary of State James Baker, for Bush Sr., made 32 trips to Syria. This is one of the countries Bush-McCain will not speak to. He finally achieved his purpose of getting Syria to come into the war on our side.

In 1952 General Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander in World War II and latter two term President, decided to run for President. At that time the US was fighting a war in North Korea. General Eisenhower said that if he was elected he would go to N.Korea to see if he could stop the fighting.

He issued a statement, “If a journey to Korea and a study of our military and political problems there CAN SAVE THE LIFE OF A SINGLE AMERICAN SOLDIER and BRING PEACE OF MIND TO ONE FAMILY—I must make the journey to Korea". Eisenhower was elected and he did go to Korea. There was no prior negotiations or agreements arranged. He was unable to stop the fighting.

But the important thought, which I think won him the election, was that here was a candidate that would speak to anyone, travel anywhere, make every possible effort to save American lives.

We should ask Senator McCain why he and George Bush are unwilling to make the same effort that Dwight Eisenhower made?

Fortunately for us Barack Obrama has the same dedication to peace that Dwight Eisenhower had.

More later.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2 Views on the Patriot Act

In looking at the Patriot Act we should keep in mind not only what the Act authorizes but what are the possibilities for abuse particularly if there is no oversight.

The Dept of Justice(DOJ) say “the ACT equips federal law enforcement with the tools they need to mount an effective coordinated campaign against our nation’s terrorist enemies.”

The American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) claims that the ACT “vastly expands the gov’t’s authority to spy on its own citizens “ “while reducing checks and balances on these powers like judicial oversight, public accountability and the ability to challenge gov’t searches in court.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Obrama Leadership


These suggestions are offered to more fully capitalize on your strengths.

1)I think you want to be recognized as a LEADER WITH VISION. A leader who is in front of the curve to see opportunities to be taken and dangers to be avoided or deflected rather than one who is always “locking the barn door”,

One of the best ways to do this is to cite your warnings on vital issues. This is much more effective if you do this as a package rather than interspersed with discussions on issues.

a) Your warning on Iraq. A brief quotation from your speech. Then hit hard what you said would happen—HAPPENED.

b) Your warning on sub-prime mortgages.. A brief quotation. Then
hit hard what you said would happened—HAPPENED.

c) Your warning on global warming. A brief quotation. Then hit hard
what you said would happened is happening.

d) Another example is fine but not necessary.

Always tie McCain to Geo Bush. i.e. They are trying to give you a hard time about your willingness to meet with foreign dictators. You have a wonderful ally whose name you have never mentioned and I can’t understand why. His name is Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe in WW II and two term republican president. This is a name respected even in republican circles

When gen-Pres Eisenhower was running for President in 1952 the US was fighting a war in N. Korea. Gen Eisenhower said that if elected he would go to N. Korea to try and stop the fighting. I only remember the first few words of his statement but it began “If I can save the life of one American” and it continued with the thought his effort would be worth while. This line is a showstopper.

Gen Eisenhower was elected and he did go to Korea. There was no prior negotiations or agreements arranged. He was unable to stop the fighting.

But the important thought, which I think won him the election, was that here was a candidate that would speak to anyone, travel anywhere, make every possible effort to save American lives. They say lightning never strikes twice but it might be worth a try.

Then ask Senator McCain why he and George Bush are unwilling to make the same effort that Dwight Eisenhower made?

More later.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

To restore confidence Bush. Cheney should resign



The quickest and only way to improve economic confidence is for Congress to form a committee to ask Prs Bush and Vice-Pres Cheney to resign for the good of the country.

The appointment by the Attorney General of of a special investigator to investigate the firing of seven district attorneys will probably be the first of many to investigate the wrong doings of the Bush administration.

The public senses that and has lost all confidence. A change of leadership is the only way out.

In addition it is a necessity that any arrangement made should take the PROGRAM AND ANY MONIES COLLECTED OUT OF THE TREASURY TO A NEW ENTITY.

Lastly remember Pres.Bush has a history of exaggerating dangers and trying to rush through laws that the public and many legislators later regretted. BE CAREFUL. Take your time. INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY.