Monday, April 20, 2009


An important part of our effort to improve the present economic situation depends on building confidence in govt and industry. The public cannot have confidence in a gov’t that looks the other way whenever wrong doing is discovered, no matter what the reasons for the neglect. This is particularly true when the guilty parties indicates they knew they ware doing wrong.

Recently the Dept of Justice released torture memos. The Pres released a statement
that the torturers would not be prosecuted because the Dept of Justice had okayed
the procedures. WRONG ANSWER. These people have committed a crime they should stand trial. The statement added that you are looking to the future and don’t want to dredge up the past. WRONG ANSWER. The writers of these memo’s should also be brought to Justice.

At the Nuremberg trials the Nazi generals tried this “only following orders” ploy. The Nuremberg Court rejected this ploy and so should we. This is one of the poorest discredited excuses for avoiding justice. It is also important to point out that the rash of destroyed files and videos probably indicates the torturers knew they were doing illegal acts and were trying to destroy incriminating evidence. How can we respect a gov’t that protects law breakers?

The second statement about focusing on the future is true. All our efforts should not be focused on the mistakes of the past. However some effort has to be made to bring criminals to justice. This is a bizarre and complete co-out. I don’t recall FDR or Winston Churchill telling this to Hitler, or the FBI saying this to Al Capone or John Dillinger.

The President’s statement on April 20th. that he understands the hard choices people in the agency had to make as an excuse for not prosecuting tortures is the worst. Does this mean that torture is okay if the struggle is difficult? This is beneath a good Pres and good leader.

Furthermore these crimes strike at the very foundation of our democratic society, the
Bill of Rights and should not be taken lightly. This together with your complete indifference to prosecuting the greedy and shady business people who brought on our economic problems,the readiness to overlook illegal surveillance by the CIA that is still going on under your administration and your deference to the National Rifle Association clearly anti- public policies indicate a lawless administration that is failing to protect and further the interest of the public. The public can have no confidence in the Obrama Administration.

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